Elaina Robbins, Singer and Voice Teacher
“How can I sing better?” This is a question I get all the time as an online voice teacher. It’s totally understandable, but when students of my online vocal training program ask me this, I immediately turn it back around on them and ask the to be more specific. Imagine that you’ve gone to the doctor and asked, “How can I feel better?” The doctor will obviously ask, “Well, what’s wrong? What are your symptoms?” Vocal problems are really no different. If you want to improve vocal for singing, you first have to figure out what the vocal problem is. It’s no good just asking “How can I sing better?” without specifics. So, why are you asking, “How can I sing better?” What is it about your singing that you feel doesn’t sound great? Are you gasping for air? Do you sound whiny? Does singing feel uncomfortable? The more specific with you can be about your vocal problem, the easier it’s going to be to fix. In this article, I’ve covered the six top vocal problems that come up in my online vocal training program students. I’ll also share with you the general idea of how to improve vocals for singing my addressing these problems. Vocal Problem #1: Pain, Discomfort, or Fatigue
Cause: Vocal Tract Tension or Vocal Injury Solution: Move the Effort of Singing Down Pain, discomfort, or quick fatigue due to singing are three major red flags of destructive vocal technique. Almost always, these problems occur when a singer puts the effort of singing into the vocal tract rather than the muscles of breathing and breath support. Imagine, for a second, that you’re watching a bodybuilder preparing to pick up a heavy weight. She squeezes her neck and facial muscles, and maybe her face even starts to turn purple. That’s a very tense vocal tract right there. If she tried to sing, how do you think it would feel? How long could she sing without getting tired? The vocal tract includes the neck, throat, jaw, and tongue. Putting a lot of pressure on these areas strains the vocal folds themselves, and the vocal folds are pretty delicate little things. Singers who put the effort of singing into the vocal tract tend to feel a lot of pressure, itchiness, or even pain when singing. Over time, or due to one particularly bombastic event, this type of singing can lead to vocal injuries like hemorrhages, nodules, and polyps. The solution? The effort of singing should occur in the breathing and breath support muscles. My video on the big picture of singing explains this. Learning to relax the vocal tract and engage the breathing and breath support muscles is a long-term project, but if you work on it, your vocal health and sound can completely transform. This is a major part of how to improve vocals for singing.
Disclaimer: The following article contains my thoughts and opinions. This is not to be construed as medical advice or the only way to think about these concepts. There are as many ways to teach voice as there are voice teachers, and all of them are valid. Interested in beginner singing lessons? If so, one of your key concerns may be learning how to sing in tune. You may even be worried that if you can’t naturally sing in tune, there’s nothing you can do about it. This is not true! In my Fort Wayne voice lessons and online voice lessons, I have helped many students with this specific issue. Confusion about how to sing in tune can be one of the most emotionally difficult issues for singers, but with the right routine, you can learn how to sing in tune. It’s been my privilege to watch students go from having no idea how to match a pitch to accurately singing a song. Here’s how they learned how to sing in tune—and how you can as well. Why It’s Hard to learn how to Sing in TuneWhy do so many people have to learn how to sing in tune? While it’s true that some singers know how to sing in tune naturally, many others can’t quite figure it out. That’s because the physical process of singing in tune is pretty complicated. There are quite a few things that have to happen in order to accurately sing a pitch. Here’s the basic process of how to sing in tune:
Yikes! If you can’t naturally figure out how to sing in tune, I hope this makes you feel a bit better. As students in my Fort Wayne voice lessons quickly learn, this is a complex process that involves multiple steps. That’s why, to learn how to sing in tune, you have to keep this muti-step approach in mind. How to Sing In Tune: |